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The Pilot Starts: Travel of US National Palestinian to Israel

As of today (July 20, 2023), Israel will allow
 entry to all U.S. citizens, including Palestinian Americans living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, in a policy change it hopes will secure visa-free access for Israelis to the United States.

According to an Israeli statement made by Israel's national security adviser, the full implementation of the program will apply to any U.S. citizen, including those with dual citizenship, American residents of Judea and Samaria (the occupied West Bank) and American residents of the Gaza Strip.

According to the U.S. State Department spokesperson, the US expects the changes to "ensure equal treatment for all U.S. citizen travelers without regard to national origin, religion or ethnicity."



Right To Work (RTW) Checks In Israel

As an employer in Israel, it is essential to understand and adhere to the concept of Right to Work (RTW) checks, prior to the start date of employment, to ensure that your employees are legally eligible to work in the country. 

Foreign National Employees RTW:

When the new employee is a foreign national, his/her work visa is normally tailored to the specific employer, indicated by the B-1 visa. However, some visas may be general, necessitating a thorough examination to ensure that they permit work at the designated employer site. However, some visas may be general, necessitating a thorough examination to ensure that they permit work at the designated employer site. Among them:
  • Work Visa for Foreign Spouses of Israeli Citizens
  • B-1 Jewish Work Visa
  • Humanitarian Visa Holders
  • Temporary Residents
  • Asylum and Protection Seekers 


Best Regards,


Amit Acco, Senior Partner - Israeli Law

Morgan Rosinia, Partner - US Law

Kan-Tor & Acco

Global Website

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