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Breaking News: Travel of US National Palestinian to Israel

As of middle of July, the Israeli policy will change, allowing any Palestinian with an American passport (or any other American national -  regardless of their origin), to enter Israel and travel the country as a tourist freely like any other American citizens.

As part of this program, residents of the West Bank who hold American citizenship will be able to fly to the United States through Israel's Ramon Airport without unnecessary delays.

The program serves as a testament to the ongoing efforts between Israel and the United States to enhance bilateral relations and promote mutual understanding. The US has emphasized that without meeting this condition, Israel will not be admitted to the prestigious visa exemption program, which is anticipated to come into effect in October or November of this year.



Compliance Requirements for Non-Academic Foreign Employees

According to Israeli law, employers of non-academic foreign nationals may be required by the Work Permit Unit to deposit a sum of money as a guarantee for the employee's departure from Israel. The current policy stipulates that it is applicable to individuals from countries with a Gross National Product (GNP) lower than that of Israel.

The specific amount is determined by the terms of the permit and typically ranges around 40,000 Israeli New Shekels (ILS). 
 Additionally, in non-academic cases, the Work Permit Unit may request a contract review by an Israeli lawyer to ensure compliance with the law. In some instances, the unit may even require the salary to be deposited into an Israeli bank account opened in the name of the employee. 
If you require assistance in meeting and managing these legal requirements, Kan-Tor & Acco can provide support.



Best Regards,


Amit Acco, Senior Partner - Israeli Law

Morgan Rosinia, Partner - US Law

Kan-Tor & Acco

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